Water & Maintenance Department

Water & Maintenance Commissioner: Nancy McAdams

2023 Consumer Confidence Report for Water Quality

2022 Consumer Confidence Report for Water Quality

2021 Consumer Confidence Report for Water Quality

2020 Consumer Confidence Report for Water Quality

2019 Consumer Confidence Report for Water Quality

2018 Consumer Confidence Report for Water Quality

2017 Consumer Confidence Report for Water Quality

2016 Consumer Confidence Report for Water Quality

2015 Consumer Confidence Report for Water Quality

2014 Consumer Confidence Report for Water Quality

2013 Consumer Confidence Report for Water Quality

2012 Consumer Confidence Report for Water Quality

2011 Consumer Confidence Report for Water Quality

Water Fees

The Town of Blades provides all residents and businesses within the corporate limits with drinking water.  The base charge is for 3000 gallons at $35.00 per month, after the 3000 gallons the charge is $6.15 per thousand gallons.  The base charge of $35.00 is also charged if there is no usage, regardless if the home is not occupied and the water has been turned off at the meter.  The owner of the property will continue to be charged the base rate of $35.00 per month.  A 5% penalty is charged every month on the past due balance. The town does not have any relief for water leaks on the property owner side of the meter.

*Rate change effective July 1, 2022

Water Billing (excerpt from Resolution R4.11.2022.01)

Section 35. Billing:

WHEREAS, Section 35 of Ordinance 411 permits Town Council to approve, by resolution, all charges for water service at a regularly-scheduled meeting of Town Council.

NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Mayor and Council of the Town of Blades in Council met that the following charges shall apply:

(a)     The minimum rate for water service shall be $35.00 per month.

(b)     The rate for usage above 3,000 gallons per month shall be $6.15 per 1,000 gallons.

(c)      A five-percent (5%) penalty shall be applied to all past due balances each month.  A bill shall be considered past due on the thirtieth day after it is mailed.

(d)     A charge of $50 shall be made for each disconnection, voluntary or involuntary, of water service.

(e)      A charge of $50 shall be made for each reconnection of water service.